Rhodes School District 84.5

ISAT - Student and family preparation

Parent and Family Tips

It is important that you not only help to prepare your students academically for the ISAT test in March (see the links arranged by grade level on this site), but also physically and emotionally. Here you will find Parent Tips...little things that you can do now and during testing time to prepare your students to do their best on the test in March. Please continue to check this site for more updates and tips. For example:

  • Please make sure that your children goes to bed on time, both now and especially during the ISAT test week. It is vital that they have a good night's rest before arriving at school to test the next morning.
  • Students should eat breakfast, either at home or at school, each and every morning! Having a nutritional start to the day provides your child with the energy and focus to perform their best that morning!
  • Have your child wear comfortable (but school appropriate) clothes to school.
  • Encourage your child before they leave home. Let them know that you are proud of them and want them to do their best each and every day!